Human Accelerators® is the world's first
Inner Technology® company.

The Apple® of
Human Potential & Performance.

Enter our world...

Our Inner Technology® unleashes the power of our most unexplored & untapped resource, the human mind. Evolving how humans think, communicate & connect.

We have developed a Human Operating System® that accelerates human consciousness, intelligence & ability. Empowering leaders to synchronise, scale and sustain successful organisations.

Utilising the collective power of AI, HI (Human Intelligence) & Consciousness, we transform people, business and culture.

“Accelerate anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world, within minutes”

Enabling humans to be greater than, so together we build empires that make a monumental impact in our world.




Conciousness – A progressive awareness the mind has of itself and the world. being aware of and responsive to one’s perceptions and surroundings.

Technology – Methods, systems and devices that are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.

The Problem

We solve the human problem. So we don’t get left behind!

Humans are not provided the tools to thrive in a rapidly changing world that moves at breakneck speed.

Expected to deal with adversity, volatility, stressors, shocks and failures. We must adapt to change, manage disruption and most of us live in fear of something. Yet the world demands we’re faster, more efficient, productive and creative!

Whilst exponential Investment in AI & ultra-fast technologies continues, the investment in human potential, performance, intelligence and wellbeing is inadequate. The human problem is greatly underestimated and overlooked.

We believe work is an essential part of life, and businesses can change the world. If humans fail to thrive, businesses will too.

The Solution

Evolve Human Consciousness, achieve Business & *Human Antifragility®

Our Human Operating System® (HOS) integrates the infinite power of AI and HI. Accelerating business and human potential & performance.

Delivered on a SaaS platform, it consists of 5 operating systems: Thought, Communication, Leadership, Organisation & Culture.

Built upon human intrinsic drivers to achieve ultimate performance. Systems and processes that enable flow, connection, communication and co- creation. Increasing creativity, productivity, and profitability.

Ultimately transforming the entire ecosystem.

(*Antifragility is beyond resilience & robustness. An Increased capability to thrive and grow in the face of uncertainty, volatility, stressors, shocks, mistakes, faults or failure)




Develop & master the mind. Successfully deal with life’s challenges.

Enables a person to be cause over life and no longer the effect of, or influenced by, the inner voice & critic. Reduce time wasted living in the past, worrying, or in fear of the future.

Increased ability to focus, activate creative & critical thinking. Adapt quickly to change, utilise initiative to pivot, identify opportunity, solve problems & deliver.

Security, self-awareness, sound judgement, self-confidence, & effective decision making are possible. Increased action, creativity, innovation, performance & productivity. Be an authentic & integral member of any team.

Unchain minds & remove self-imposed obstacles. Unleash the hidden potential within any human.

TOS is the cornerstone of our Human Operating System®.

Master the ability to communicate, achieve conversational agility & Intelligence.

Enables authentic & real communication.  Avoid failure, misunderstanding & unnecessary conflict.

Effectively communicate with anyone on any subject with complete duplication. Eliminate wasted time on ineffective conversation, poor delegation & failure to execute successfully.

Utilise collective thought diversity to build trust, co-create and gain a return on intelligence.  Creating psychologically safe environments with cohesive relationships that deliver the vision, mission goals & purpose.

Create self-aware & inspiring leaders, able to execute & deliver.

Redefining leadership, the inside job. Unlock inner genius & inherent capabilities through the leader-self journey; initiative, intuition and foresight. Remove confusion, ambiguity and dysfunction that impacts productivity & growth.

Self-aware, responsible and accountable leaders, able to Influence & co-ordinate others to overcome challenges & collectively achieve success.

Guide, develop & empower others to create leadership at all levels, the secret to execute a vision and achieve excellence. Knowledgeable, self-confident, determined visionaries, able to develop trust & loyalty to build a sustainable future.

Integrate evolutionary management systems. Accelerate production, efficiency & guarantee delivery.

Business & people systems built upon human intrinsic drivers & mechanisms of the mind. Synchronise, scale & sustain individuals and teams with the organisation. Enabling the entire ecosystem to operate in unison & activate flow.

Organisation design & ergonomics orchestrated to remove complexity, confusion & uncertainty. Eliminate bottle necks, silos, wasted time & resources, that inevitability cause lost opportunity.

Managers have space to think critically & creatively, able to navigate the organisation in an environment of constant change & crisis.

Create business antifragility & economic security & prosperity.

Cultivate conscious culture & communities.

Moral & ethical guide of behaviour that promotes and retains co-existence, co-creation & harmony sustaining a self-managed, psychologically safe environment.

Eliminate the ability for dysfunctional & destructive behaviour to penetrate. Promote and reward performance in alignment with integrity & ethics.

Culture is self-managed, encourages & drives individuality, authenticity, trust & respect. Accelerating ability, success & return on intelligence (ROI).

People are in fair exchange; production is the basis of morale. The entire ecosystem can evolve and thrive.

Our Purpose

Accelerate, advance and evolve humanity forwards, at speed

1. Enable Humans to thrive: Deliver inner technologies globally to create Human Antifragility®.

2. Change the world through business: Our Human Operating System® facilitates *Human Sustainability.

(*improved quality of life, fulfilling human potential, greater wellbeing, development, opportunity and a feeling of meaning, belonging, purpose and security).

3. Change the business world: Our Human Operating System® achieves a Return on Intelligence (ROI), unlocking ultimate performance and creativity. Increasing productivity and profitability. Scalable and sustainable organisations that create products and services to evolve our world.

4. Redefine Leadership: Guide the leader-self journey to create leadership at all levels. Unleash ultimate performance and well-being.

Master the game of life, live beyond ordinary limits.

Leverage the power of AI to accelerate Human intelligence

Meet the Accelerators

Prior to creating Human Accelerators I founded & scaled a £mm consultancy. Our expertise was in developing global teams and human capital to deliver global mega projects within the Energy & Infrastructure sectors. Working with public and private stakeholders on challenging, large scale and complex ventures valued up to £50Bn+ with teams in more than 50 countries. Over 20+ years I have helped build businesses with Entrepreneurs, Executives & Leaders in Start-ups, SME’s, FTSE 100 & Fortune 500 companies.

I’ve had lifelong fascination with people and a passion for creating leadership at all levels to transform cultures and scale businesses that make a real impact in the world. Unlocking the potential and wellbeing of our greatest asset, people, is how we will evolve the world for the better. Our younger generations are relying upon us to achieve this!

I am dedicated to unlocking solutions and creating technologies to accelerate human consciousness, potential and performance so we can achieve human sustainability & antifragility to thrive.

Intellect is the ability to think, reason and understand and Intelligence is the ability to solve problems to enhance survival and ability to thrive. This is the very purpose of the mind, the thing that makes us human. Yet, we are not educated with the tools to understand or unleash our innate superpowers in life or the world of work. To thrive we must master our ability to think, communicate & connect. My purpose is to evolve and accelerate humanity and enable the potential to master the game of life and live beyond ordinary limits.

All of my life I have researched and studied the fields of the Science of Mind, Human Behaviour, Flow Psychology, Conversational intelligence®, Neuroscience & Neurochemistry as well as Psychological Safety, to name a few! Studying under and being educated by the greatest minds in these fields so I could create tools and technologies to change the lives of others.

The last decade has been dedicated to developing an Inner Technology® company to impact the lives of billions by enabling Human Antifragility®; the ability to not only withstand uncertainty, stress & adversity and failure, but grow stronger and thrive in such conditions.

Before creating Human Accelerators® I worked for one of the largest retail companies in the world, as well as in corporations operating as an Executive focused on people and culture transformation.

A large part of my early career was oriented around human resources, capital and sustainability. I have a huge affinity and curiosity about people, how they work and their potential within business. I’ve worked with leaders and executives in start ups, SMEs and in the private Sector exploring this further. With specialisation in Organisational Ergonomics & Design, I thrive trouble shooting and turning around failing and unresponsive areas and people and have done so successfully in various industries and environments. From there I went on to run several of my own businesses in the hospitality sector doing exactly the same thing!

My entire life I have been researching & studying the fields of the Science of Mind & Human Behaviour, implementing various tools and technologies pertaining to organisational ergonomics, human potential, and performance. Using this knowledge, I was able to salvage, handle and turn around some of the most “unsolvable” people and organisations.

I know that to thrive we need to master our ability to think, communicate & connect. My purpose is to evolve and accelerate humanity and enable the potential to master the game of life and live beyond ordinary limits. This was my reason for co-founding both Human Accelerators® and Mindwaze™.

The last years have been dedicated to developing an Inner Technology® company to impact the lives of billions by enabling Human Antifragility®; the ability to not only withstand uncertainty, stress & adversity and failure, but grow stronger and thrive in such conditions.

"Our legacy is a global one. Impact the lives and businesses of billions of people. Enabling humans to be greater than to evolve the world we live in"
Consiousness is our technology®

Ready to Accelerate?